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Fletcher Augustus DeRouen

A diary for our son, by Joe and Andrea DeRouen

Monday, March 25, 2002

Poor Fletch has started teething. No fun for him or us! We keep giving him teething rings and other teething toys, but to no avail. I feel sad for him when he whimpers and cries, which he just started doing about three seconds after I started this message. Gotta go!

.: posted by Joe 10:06 AM

Thursday, March 21, 2002

In just two days, Fletcher will be five months old. Boy... in some ways, it seems like just yesterday that he was born; in others, it seems like a lifetime ago. I guess both descriptions are correct in their own way. It was "just" five months ago, but it was also a lifetime ago in the sense that both our lives changed the moment our perfect little son was born. It's been an amazing journey thus far, and I look forward to growing and changing with my son through the years.

.: posted by Joe 8:45 PM

Friday, March 15, 2002

I'm finding less and less time to update this diary. Between my work and taking care of Fletcher, there isn't a lot of time left in the day. Still, I'll make entries when I can - like now.

Fletcher is coming up on five months and he's grown so much. He's just about doubled his weight and he does so much more now than even a month ago. (Yeah, yeah, that's how babies are - but this is all new to me!) Andee and I have so much fun playing with him, reading to him, and just spending time with him. He's a wonderful little boy.

We're planning a trip to Illinois to visit my family later this year so that my family can finally meet Fletch. Everyone's excited and I look forward to Fletcher meeting his Grandmother and Great-Grandmother, not to mention my sister and my mother's husband, Fletcher's honorary Grandfather. It'll be our first big trip with Fletcher - I hope we're up to it! :)

.: posted by Joe 9:51 PM