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Fletcher Augustus DeRouen

A diary for our son, by Joe and Andrea DeRouen

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Fletcher loves to dance. He's 18 months old today and he (unknowingly) celebrated by dancing to The Wiggles this morning. His dances are getting crazier and more involved with lots of twisting and arm waving. It's truly adorable. He will even dance if you read a rhythmic passage in a book. He just loves to move.

.: posted by Andee 7:48 AM

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Andee had her knee surgery a week ago yesterday, which has made it difficult for either of us to update Fletcher's website. I'll be adding new photos soon, though, and am adding this diary entry to help catch things up.

Fletcher has added "e-i-e-i-o" to his language bag of tricks. Andee and I will sing the "Old McDonald Had a Farm" song and stop right before the last "e-i-e-i-o", and he'll chime in and sing the rest. Of course, he also loves to dance, so maybe he'll wind up in the entertainment business. I can almost see him now... hoofing it up on stage while singing "here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo." :)

.: posted by Joe 2:12 PM